
Friday, April 13, 2012

1 Month old

Dear Sienna,
You are 1 month old! I was just looking at pictures of you when you were first born and you already look so very different. Please don't grow up too fast, I love your littleness. 

Here is a little big about you...
  • You have started to smile consciously, you always give Daddy a huge one when he comes home from work...its the sweetest thing in the world...I take it you miss him all day...well, he misses you too.
  • You are still in size Newborn diapers, but they are getting super snug, we're hoping just to finish the ones we have & get you into your cloth diapers
  • You have started practice 'talking' making little cooing sounds, its adorable.
  • Your sleeping patterns change're not a fan of day time naps, and I really wish you were...I may have to start drinking coffee, though I'm not a fan.
  • You GOTTA have your paci, all the time.
  • Your eye lashes are my favorite thing to watch grow
  • You love baths, and I love giving them to you
  • You love music, when you're fussy I put on Pandora on the Jack Johnson station & I sing along to his songs for you.

Hes so proud to be your Daddy..
(and that quote is true)

I think you look just like me when in this picture

you make some of the best, inquisitive faces...

but nothing beats your smiles..

sweet girl


Happy 1 month!! we love you,
Mommy & Daddy

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Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.