
Saturday, May 12, 2012


Life has been super busy lately,
 with the baby, Danny picking up new clients & just keeping up with every day things we feel like weeks are flying by without us having a second to stop & take everything in

Sienna is going to be 2 months tomorrow
when did that sneak up on us?

This past week we had visitors from NY
Nick & Kate - our really good friends & Sienna's Godparents.
I got so used to them being here for a week that when they left the house felt so quiet & empty, kinda made me bummed out that they live thousands of miles away & we cant just hang out whenever we feel like it...but of course we made the best of their time here.

Sunday in Sedona

thank goodness for the ergo, its worth every penny.
(I have an extra one I'm selling, if anyone reading this is interested let me know)

I love this place

just hanging by the lake

Kate cooked us dinner & 
it was a perfect evening to eat it outside

ah I missed doing this!

first night out without Sienna
(she was at my sisters)

It was nice to get dressed up again (8 weeks PP)

Kangaroo chili or burger anyone? Danny got crocodile kebabs
( I wasnt brave enough to try any, though this place is very reputable)

a little wine & kangaroo before their flight back
(I could never get used to referring to kangaroo as someone meal)

I adore this photo

Sienna loved her uncle Nick

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Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.