
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

weekend in review. pt 2

This past weekend hubby and I also played photographers.
My friend had asked us if we'd be willing to do a photo session of her & her boyfriend

being the picture taking junkies we are, 
we were more than happy to!

Hubs was shooting the pics, I was calling the spots & poses - it was so much fun and we even joked about making a business out of it, super fun way to make some extra $.

here are a couple of my favorite shots
 (before being edited)

they're so cute together!

This weekend, we also realized that we cant get another dog like we wanted, Calista & Travis came over after the pictures and Charlie was not very pleased with their dog...I'm glad we figured this out before bringing a new dog home.

Sunday, Our new neighbors came over for dinner with their sweet baby girl Sophie, (Sienna's future BFF) I'm so happy that there are so many babies & kids on our block for Sienna to play with when shes a little older.

Here is a pic of Calista & I - 
1st friend I ever made in AZ :o)

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Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.