
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just some random thoughts of the day...

 Thank god my parents get back from Europe today, three weeks of not speaking to my mom for more than 5 mins was kinda tough...I have so much to fill her in on with Sienna's milestones & I cant wait to hear all about the place I'll always call HOME

 This year is flying! cant believe its June already...I'm excited to celebrate worlds best Daddy's 1st Fathers Day

 I'm nervous to fly to NY with Sienna in Aug, its an overnight flight and if she doesn't sleep, there is going to lots of pissed off passengers

I want to plant an herb garden one weekend, but our weekends are always so busy I never could find the time

"when one door closes, another one opens"

I've lost touch with some people recently...but in return I've also made several new friends here in Arizona and reconnected with some old ones...I think life has its funny ways sometimes :)

 I think the most stressful part of having a baby is breast feeding, and I feel like Im the only one who thinks so but I find myself stressing about it more than anything since having her, its no wonder why so many moms quit it and go to formula...its tough...bu above is my motivation to stick to it.

My husband has an obsession with getting a vintage car, a 60s Mustang in particular just like his first, dont get me wrong I'm a sucker for anything classic & vintage but blowing money on a "weekend car" isnt the smartest move in my opinion, I just hate telling him that...its like telling a really really excited kid in a candy store that he cant have any.
Though...he would look mighty sexy in his aviators driving this beauty... ;)

 I'm super sad putting away the clothes Sienna grew out of, I literally get emotional about it. I'm holding on to her things in hopes we have another little girl one day, her name will be Ava, her & Sienna can have that sweet sisterly bond...Can you tell I've been thinking about it a lot already?

amen to that.

The more I research this topic and talk to Moms with kids affected by vaccines, the more glad I am we made the choice to opt out of it, She is the happiest baby I have ever seen..shes healthy, perfect and I intend on keeping her that way :)

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