
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

oh suga suga

Cant deny that Hubs and I have a huge sweet tooth
we are serious dessert fiends 

our pantry always has a variety of at least 3 different kinds of cookies, chocolates, muffins.

&& lets not even talk about our freezer...its ice cream galore in there...from cones, to bars, to name it...and then there are Trader Joes lava all time favorite dessert and always in my freezer... if you haven't had one, you're missing out.

 I cant even tell you how many times I've said to Danny, 
" we are not baking anything for a while I have weight to lose"

who am I kidding 
 one pintrest visit and I'm done, 
will power is gone and my the post pregnancy belly pooch is not 

5 more lbs to go & its all in the poooch

this is what we baked this past weekend, as you can see I'm really sticking to my "lets not bake for a while" plan ( evil pintrest )

it was so so good and I just had a slice for breakfast...I'm so bad.


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.