
Thursday, August 16, 2012

365 days of Sienna

I have NO pictures of me when I was a baby,
The only ONE I have is from my Christening & my parents are in it too.. so does that even count? I think I'll be forever upset about this and always resent my parents for it.

So maybe that's the reason I'm so picture crazy with Sienna,
 I take atleast 10 a day.

 so on that note  I decided to make a separate page to post a photo of her EVERY DAY starting from the day she was born until her 1st birthday along with a sentence or two about it ( I will turn it into a book too)

Since I just started now, I have to go back all the way to March and catch up!
a lot of work...but I think it will be neat.

check it out! 
click on the little camera icon on the right of of the blog

ps: I got the title from one of my favorite movies


  1. I also don't have many pictures of me being a baby... When I'll have my own little baby someday I'll also make sure to take pictures every day :D Photos are the best memories <3
    Keep on blogging and telling stories of your beautiful life!
    Lots of love to your family!

  2. I love this idea! Hope you don't care if I steal it once our little one is born :)


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.