
Thursday, August 9, 2012

the little things...

On Saturday morning Hubs & I woke up craving pancakes

So we whipped some up together 
in our pjs
listening to Pandora
singing along for Sienna in her high chair
(she thinks we are the best singers...bless her heart)

I think this was my favorite part of our weekend
its little moments spent like this with my family 
that make me feel so darn lucky.

ps: I'm so excited for my blogs new look!
I'm still working on it - check back to read our story in the "about" tab :)


  1. hey there! thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some comment love! can i just tell you how beautifully sweet your little girl is! (sorry for all the exclaiming i'm doing) oh and i love your blog design.

  2. thanks for the follow and sweet comment:) I just read your birth story!!!! Such a good recap I can't wait to go through mine!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.