
Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday letters

Dear Arizona - whats with all the rain lately? I could have sworn I lived in the dessert

Dear Husband- sorry you had no clean socks for work this morning - I cant keep up with the laundry lately...bad wife.

Dear Interior Designer - we loved having you come over to help us, but now we are  about to be broke from all of your fantastic ideas 

Dear across the street neighbor - you are just so kind for giving us that play kitchen for Sienna that you could have easily sold on craigslist for a lot of money

Dear psycho people on Instagram - Stop stealing my photos and claiming them as your own, its creepy, rude and totally uncool.

Dear Sienna - I cant believe you throw fits already at 6 months old....we are in for a treat for your toddler years

Dear poor sucker who bought our couch - I'm so glad to have parted with it... sorry about Sienna having a poopsplotion on it...I left that part out.

Dear plane tickets - must you be so expensive? Id really like to see my family more often

Dear Mosquitoes - I hope you all get exterminated. I hate you with a passion especially for biting my baby on the forehead you nasty things!


  1. Arizona could totally use some rain! And I am with you on plane tickets, they are way too expensive :( And I am so sorry you're having to deal with crazy people on instagram.. There's an app called "iWatermark", I think it's $1.99 but you can watermark your photos. I hope you have a happy Friday!

    1. Thank you! I'll have to get the app :/ people are crazy

  2. just came across your blog via the FL link up.. loving it!

    someone stole your photos on Instagram??! What is with people!

    Distinctly M

    1. thank you! :) ugghh 2 different crazy people on Istagram stole pics of my daughter and claimed it as their baby as well as a pic of my postpartum body saying it was bizarre!

  3. I'm so angry with people stealing my photos too! Luckily, mine aren't really worth stealing, but it's the thought that someone took the time to steal it and pretend it was theirs! Gah!
    Also, Dear mosquitos, please naff off.

    1. bahaha 'naff off' makes me giggle so does 'dummy' for pacifier. I love having a friend from the UK :) <3

  4. I do not understand people's need to steal photos. So bizarre! Also, the word "poopsplotion"... I pretty much died laughing when I read that. Haha!

  5. Why would anyone ever want to steal other's photos and claim as their own?! I guess it's flattering in a way.. but yeah psychos. Thank G the mosquitoes are dying off. =)

  6. Woah... someone is stealing your photos? That's beyond rude! How on earth do you find out that people are doing that?

    I hear you on the clean socks... I had to send hubby to work with dirty pants yesterday because I couldn't get to his laundry. 50 lashes with a wet noodle for me :(

    1. ugh yeah happened twice, one of my followers recognized my daughters pic on someone elses page, people are so bizarre! who does that?

    2. What about setting your Instrgram to private? That's how mine is and I love it. No one can see my pictures unless they friend me... And I approve them.

  7. Wow! I am so nervous about people stealing my photos! How did you find out they were doing it?

    Also, I am so jealous you could get an interior designer! I'd LOVE that!

    1. one of my followers came across it and recognized my daughters picture - I was so mad!!

  8. I would love some rain! No rain here in Tucson!

  9. I also feel like a bad wife when my hubby runs out of socks! :( It's the worst!

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  10. we sold our couches recently and I was not sorry at all! poopsplosions and all :)

  11. I'm so jealous of your interior designer (except for the going broke part). We just remodeled our entire downstairs, but I had to come up with the ideas myself which is REALLY difficult when you've never done it before. Your house is going to look amazing when it's done!

    People can steal your instagram photos? I didn't even know you could copy those. Yours must be really good if people keep taking them! I've added you on instagram - I'm sarahkate11, the one with pictures that no one would ever want to steal. ;o)

  12. ohh, it's my dream to live and study in NYC! <3


  13. hi missy!! thanks for followin my blog! followin ya back now :))) so nice to see another phoenician in blogland :) keep in touch!

  14. People steal your instagram photos? I naively thought they were safe since they were on the phone (#technologyfail). Anyway, new to your blog and I look forward to reading more (and not stealing pictures from you!)

  15. Girl, I'm just doing a little bit of stalking.. but this was funny.

    You're a funny girl.

    I'm glad i didn't buy your couch.


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.