
Saturday, September 8, 2012

While in NY - bikini babe

It was an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini
that she wore for the first time today 

Daddy & the little diva who was holding onto her sunglasses ever so tightly 


The beach was cloudy that day, usually that would be a downer
but I actually thought it was perfect as I didn't have to put sunblock on the little miss (anytime I can skip the use of chemicals anywhere near or on my baby I'm a happy camper)


  1. Just found your blog...what a little cutie in a teenie weenie bikini! so sweet!

  2. Sienna looks so proud of herself for sitting up all on her own :) and Joanna you look so much like your Mum in that photo :) pretty genes!

    1. yep! I'm my moms twin, everyone says so - I'll have to post a picture of her when she was young (literary twins)

  3. Just wanted to mention that UV rays pass through clouds :( But i tend to skip the sunscreen even on the sunny days. Mother of the year!!

    1. ...And by 'mother of the year', i mean me! In case it was unclear. Heheh.

  4. Aaaah, she looks adorable at the beach!! LOVE the little bikini x

  5. Oh my she is so adorable in that bikini! Can't wait to take my daughter on holiday in November now.
    Thanks for popping by my blog
    Hope you had a nice weekend
    Kerry xo

  6. So glad I found your blog. You have such a cute family! Love Sienna's bikini!

  7. So cute! My daughter has a yellow bikini too but it looks a little odd on her. Love the beach pictures!

  8. You should still apply sunscreen, even if cloudy...UV rays pass thru the clouds and it is possible to get a burn!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.