
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Decor Dilemas

What was just going to be a new wood floor had turned into a whole project of redoing and completely redecorating our whole livingroom/familyroom space

the dust, 
constant construction messes,
gazillion trips to HomeGoods 
worst of all...the decisions!

 The interior designer thought our couch didn't belong, we agreed and quickly listed it on craigslist thinking eh it will take a while to get rid of it so in the mean time we'll look for something new - it sold in 2 days.

so we were couch-less & having a daily dreadful debate
 leather vs. fabric

Hubby had his heart set on leather, he didn't want to even hear about cloth...while I think leather is nice to look  I'll take comfort over aesthetic any day

now to convince Danny...

you have no idea how long we went back and forth on this

we went to Macys where he fell in love with this sofa....while I thought it was beautiful....I thought to myself would I want to take a nap and snuggle up on this thing? ABSOLUTELY NOT...cold and uninviting in the cool months, sticky in the hot months....yuck no thank you.

"Our home is not a museum I want something cozy and pleasant to sit on, not something that's pretty to look at but cold, stiff and unpleasant"

That was the line that finally made hubby agree with me.... :) 

 my choice: light colored, fabric, cozy cushy sofa

wait light colored with a baby & black dog? 
who am I kidding.

 luckily we had the option to have it made in a custom color of our choice that we picked out of about 200 different samples

the downside - custom made takes  6-8 weeks- yikes!!

it will be so worth it

ever sit on a couch that is so incredibly comfortable that you just kind of sink into it?

that's exactly what this one is

3 more weeks, 
maybe less of waiting...
its kind of like this, but bigger and maybe a shade darker.

now I need to raid ETSY for some yellow/gray pillow covers!



  1. Looks comfy! I agree about leather being cold in the winter, and sticky and hot in the summer. Just like cars, no thanks! I'll take my cloth!

    1. haha glad Im not the only one who sees it that way, my hubby made it seem like i was!

  2. It will be so worth it when its finished!

  3. Looks perfect!! I love the look of leather too, but it's just not what you want to snuggle up on!

  4. I am with you, comfy is number 1 priority all the way! :P

  5. Totally agree! Plus I always find I stick to leather sofas - not good in summer! Haha :)

  6. I am obsessed with your dog. He is so cute & fluffy!
    Love the couch you picked! Definitely cloth over leather. & those pillows are adorable :)

  7. I'm with you on the fabric/leather debate. The hubs had one when we got married and I hated it. I was glad when it "accidentally" got torn during a move ;)

  8. Definitely agree with cloth over leather... much more comfy. Looks great!

  9. Loving the grey!! And we have leather couches and they are very easy to clean which I love but I hate how they look! (it doesn't help that they are a dark chocolate brown)
    You've given me some ideas on how to convince my hubby of fabric!

  10. Hi Joanna!! Just wanted to check out your blog and be a new follower as well :D Love your sweet blog!

  11. I agree with your fabric choice. Definitely went for cozy myself! And love the chevron pillow with the flower. I need that! Thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed visiting yours!:)

  12. New follower here!! & I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your blog. It is simply lovely.


  13. I am not a leather fan either....they just don't look comfy...We have one of those `fall into` couches I love it however, we unfortunately have a cream couch but this was before dog and baby now I regret it! I cant wait to see the finished project!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.