
Saturday, October 6, 2012

its too early

Little stinker woke up at 5:30 today

5:30 on a SATURDAY

gone are the days where we used to sleep in on the weekends 

its a good thing shes cute ;)

I let hubs sleep in a bit and I made Sienna some baby healthy pancakes

Flax seed, coconut oil, banana, vanilla, egg yolk, coconut flour

she loved them,
  or atleast playing with them

We are now off to the local Farmers market for some FRESH FRESH produce then off on a little road trip with friends - Its looking like a good weekend :)

Good Morning & Happy Saturday to you all!


  1. Cutie! I wish we had a good farmers market around here. Hopefully when we move we'll land near a good one :)

  2. sienna is the cutest baby ever!
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie

  3. ur baby is the sweetest!! New follower. hope to keep up with u!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.