
Monday, October 1, 2012

Show & Tell: Favorites

Happy Monday! Can you believe its October already? crazy! I decided to play along in the show & tell today

1. Tell us about your 5 favorite memories in your life.
1. Poland 2007 - Being in my childhood home with Danny & having him meet my relatives
2. July 2003 -The day I got Charlie - my parents finally agreed after years of begging...hes now almost 9 years old
3. December 2009 - Moving to Arizona & our crazy drive across the country in my tiny Toyota Corolla stuffed with our things & Charlie
4. Getting the keys to our 1st Home
5. Of course our wedding day, Sienna's birth were the best moments in my life - that's a given

2. Show us 3 of your favorite beauty products.

3. Tell us what your favorite TV shows are to watch.
 Not big on TV shows lately...but when its on... the Bachelor/Bachelorette, Friends, House Hunters, American Pickers, Everybody Loves Raymond....(probably the dorkiest tv show list out there, I know)

4. Show us 2 of your favorite pictures.
This is seriously the hardest, picking just two
First Christmas in our house ( Sienna in my belly)

I couldn't just pick one 
My Sienna when she was still teeny

5. Tell us your favorite things to do during "me time."
 Blog, pintrest, look through old photos, take long showers


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your daughter is adorable!

  2. Aww such sweet pics. I'd have a hard time picking 2 as well!! Love your beauty must haves too.

  3. love Essie! and Sienna is precious!

  4. Essie is my addiction! I love your pics! Sienna is so sweet

    Everybody Loves Raymond is my FAVORITE ever! We watch it every night on TVLand!

  5. I love American Pickers too!! lol


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.