
Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween Part 1

♫ Sienna was a little lamb,
little lamb, little lamb 


This little lambs first Halloween was a hit

I bought her this costume when I was still pregnant, mainly for my own entertainment purposes and let me tell you...I couldn't stop laughing when I put it on her....I was hardly able to take these pictures bahaha.

ok before you think I'm a mean mama, I also got her one that was a little more "cool" in case she looks back at his one day and gets mad at me for making her look  so dorky :)

I'll make another post about her other one, 
this one takes the prize though!

"really mom? are you done laughing now?"


  1. Haha, Chloe was a lamb for her first Halloween last year too! That poor costume swallowed her up though b/c she was only two months old. On the bright side, it makes their eyes look gorgeous against that creme color!

  2. She is the cutest lamb I've ever seen! I could just eat her up!

  3. Oh my gosh, she is the cutest lamb ever!!!! I want to just snuggle her in my arms!! Love that costume and those cheeks peeking out. Just adorable.

  4. This is the greatest costume ever! What a doll! :)

  5. So cute! & you're not mean, I did the same thing haha

  6. This is adorable, she's beautiful!!

  7. This is just the cutest outfit!!
    When I was pregnant, we decorate our little girls nursery in lambs and I searched the internet for a little lamb outfit for her and found this one in pink and blue but no newborn sizes... Absolutely love it!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.