
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

mesmerized by chocolate

Sienna is obsessed with the Ferrero Rocher commercial, 
don't typically let her watch tv but if she's playing and hears it....

that's it! it stops her in her track and she hardly even blinks... 

I happen to catch it on video totally unintentionally.

Also, did you catch her response to me asking her if its nap time?
such a little stinker


ps- I totally hate hearing myself on video


  1. Precious! :)
    Her opinion of nap time will change with time :)

  2. Hahahahahaha!!! I need to see this advert! If sienna approves, it must be good :)

    1. this one

      haha maybe its all the sparkly stuff and song

    2. It's a very happy song and the sparkles are fun :) I wish we could know what they were thinking!

  3. Thank you so much for the Follow! I'm your newest follower too! I love you blog & your family is adorable. I can not wait to get to know you better <3


  4. My niece used to have the same reaction to the pampers commercial that they play around Christmas. It's the one with the baby's sleeping while silent knight is playing in the background. It didn't matter where she was or what he was doing she would drop everything and just get into this trance. Now that she's 3 with the attitude of a teenager lets see if it still works this year when they start with the commercial again. :)

  5. My niece used to have the same reaction to the pampers commercial that they play around Christmas. It's the one with the baby's sleeping while silent knight is playing in the background. It didn't matter where she was or what he was doing she would drop everything and just get into this trance. Now that she's 3 with the attitude of a teenager lets see if it still works this year when they start with the commercial again. :)

  6. Oh my goodness, so cute!!! She is precious!! :)


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