
Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Hike :)

The weather has been so amazing here lately (upper 60s, low 70s), big part of why we moved to Arizona. We decided to take advantage and go on little nature hike. 

Sienna loved it... she was obsessed with picking up sticks and touching bark on the trees, we let her crawl and get dirty....shes a natural little explorer ;)

Now I have to get to cooking, lots of pierogis to make!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! I'm really excited that its Sienna's very 1st!


  1. Oh this is such a sweet post. In hope you & your little family have a very merry xmas!!

  2. Joanna you always pick out the cutest clothes for Sienna :) I just love her little outfits always... I love seeing her cute little grin on Instagram! It completely makes for a good day.... I am glad you all enjoyed your hike together!

  3. Thank you! having a baby girl is like having a real life doll you get to dress up haha <3

  4. What a beautiful family! Your Sienna is just so adorable. I hope you had a fabulous 1st christmas with her. :)

  5. Oh my goodness, she has to be the cutest little girl I have ever seen!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.