
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Poopy news!!

Sienna decided to surprise mommy and go #2 in her potty on her last day as an EIGHT month old :)

How did I get her to do it?

well I go by a method called elimination communication (exact definition here)
basically, I follow her cues of when she needs to go and sit her on the potty. I try to keep  her on a daily schedule as far as naps & meals so her poopy times are usually around the same time as well.

I know some 2.5 year olds who are scared of the potty, I wanted to make sure she was not one of those kids and that is why I bought her one this early get her familiar with it. I'm not hardcore training her yet but its nice that she sits on it without being scared, once she went poops on it - I rewarded her with a snack so hopefully she continues to use it and make mommy proud

I even caught her in the process on video but for obvious reasons I cant post it here, not that you'd want me to anyway :) 


  1. I love that for about a little over a month we have been following each other on IG & then the other night I found your blog :) I was never so elated & excited... Sienna is just a little cutie pie!

  2. OH & I almost forgot I love that you have started her early so she would not be scared of the potty. That was a great idea :)

  3. That is awesome work! I agree, it's good to let them get used to the idea of sitting on it early on. My son (16mths) is just starting to show the early signs of being ready to start toilet training (going and hiding in a corner to poop) so I think I need to get the toddler toilet seat out of it's box...

  4. WOW!! What a clever little girl and she looks just adorable sitting on her little potty. I might have to try this... just need a potty first.

    - Fiona

  5. Amazing! & you inspired me to get my little guy use to the potty idea early. Way to go mom!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.