
Monday, December 17, 2012

Show & tell Monday

This Week's Questions: Christmas talk

1. Tell us what your favorite thing about Christmas is.
 Being with family of course is always the best part, and being across the country from mine always makes the Holidays a bit harder. My moms cooking was always my favorite thing about Christmas, growing up in a Polish household we celebrated Christmas Eve with the menu always being the same for my whole life, though I tried I cant ever make beet soup as good as my moms.

2. Tell us what your plans are for Christmas this year.
This year we will be celebrating Sienna's very first Christmas, we hope to make it perfect for her

3. Show us a picture of Christmas in the past. Or present.

4. Do you wrap your presents all in one box, or do you like wrap each present separately?
I'm not a fan of wrapping, nor am I good at it so any shortcuts....count me in.


5. Tell us about any special traditions that you or you and your family like to do.
A Traditional Polish Christmas Eve supper always consists of:

Christmas wafer (Oplatek)

From the oldest to the youngest gathered around the table, we shared bits of oplatek wishing each other health, happiness and special wishes for the New year. This is also the time to mend things with any family member you may have had your differences with. 

Red Borscht (czwerwony Barszcz) with mushroom dumplings

First thing you eat after oplatek, followed by a fish dish and pierogi.
After dinner we listened to Christmas Carols and open gifts till it was time to go to midnight mass.

Headband Giveaway WINNER!

#4 I'll be e-mailing you shortly :)


  1. Yay for her very first Christmas! So exciting!


  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Your blog is adorable (new follower!). Love the way you chose your winner...too funny!

  3. It's so interesting to hear about Polish traditions. I love how different cultures do things so differently, but the meaning behind each tradition is the same. :) Hope you don't mind - I blogged my own Show and Tell Monday!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.