
Monday, January 21, 2013

got questions?

Someone suggested that I do a Q&A  post.
I like keeping my readers happy :) & I could use a distraction from my tantrum throwing baby so here it goes!

First official question session is open
you ask
and I answer 

I'm an overly open person with no filter, 
so feel free to take advantage 

leave your questions here or e-mail me at

Ready, go.


  1. What did you want to be when you were a teenager and have you found yourself taking a different path or doing what you always planned?

  2. Do you have a career/job? Who designed your blog template? Xx

  3. How long were you and your hubs dating before moving in together? When did you guys decide it was time to get a house together?

    My boyfriend and I live together, and know we want our transition from an apartment to be right into our first home, but we're not sure when to do that (before we're married, after, during engagement) so it's nice to be able to have the opportunity to ask around :)

  4. Did you go to college? If so where and do you work?

  5. How many siblings do you have? I'm confused how Olivia is your niece lol

    What's the most expensive outfit you've bought baby Sienna, do you like to spend a lot or you stay in a budget since we all know our babes will grow out of clothes from one week to another.

  6. You should do a "day in the life" like what you do. I really don't know how you do it all AND cloth diaper! Is it really as hard as it seems?


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.