
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hallelujah, a date!

Adding a baby to the mix of things can be somewhat straining on a relationship....even the best of relationships. More than anything, its a HUGE adjustment... you find that there is hardly any 'couple' time anymore and you now have to change it to family time. 

But really a lot of the time its goes more like this: one person cooks dinner while the other plays with baby, then switch....same for eating dinner...when baby naps, you scurry around to get stuff done around the house. There is ALWAYS something that needs to get done in the rare event of 'free time' and 

so when is hubby & wifey time?
Pretty much doesn't exist

And on that note, we are so way over due for date night....we need to get out, just us and not worry about every baby squeak and cry and I don't even care where we go, I just want to enjoy the luxury of not needing to entertain a baby during an outing. 

So thanks to our more-then-willing-to babysit friends, we were able to go out to a nice dinner and just enjoy some us-time

I was so worried that Sienna wouldn't do well since she's been going through a bit of a separation anxiety stage, but they said she was great and text us smiling picture of her which eased my mind and allowed me to enjoy our evening.

we had an awesome dinner at Vintage 95 a really cute, wine lounge. 
Sneaky hubs called ahead and arranged for the staff to seat us by the fire and do something special for me. So when we sat down, the staff came out with champagne and toasted to "mother of the year" embarrassing & sweet at the same time. There was also live music, so hubs had them do a cover of Our Song 

it was such a great evening

we laughed, we drank adult beverages, we reminiscent, we talked about all the cute things the baby does and we flirted like crazy but the best part was the excitement from Sienna when we came home :) 


Now - don't get me wrong I love my new life as a MOM and FAMILY but we needed this. In fact, night like these are going to be mandatory every few weeks or so. I consider it an investment into my marriage. A good one.

ps -If you haven't tried bacon jam bruchetta you must!


  1. I feel you!! We haven't gone on a date yet and it's been 6 months. I think Valentines day we will have to make some time. It's not the same when the babe is with crying lol!!

  2. Same here girl! I dont really remember when our last date was??? But hubs and I plan on something soon. Something a little big for valentines day. Glad you was able to enjoy a night out! You deserve it.

  3. You needed this, especially after the month you've had! Sometimes you just need to be reminded that you're still the no 1 person in Danny's life, as he is in yours :)
    Even if you do spend the whole time talking about the baby! :P

  4. I am jealous that your friend got to watch little miss. Again I dont think I will ever say this enough in hopes that I wish I lived closer to watch her. I just adore her to pieces :) I am glad you both enjoyed your time alone as parents! That without a doubt makes a marriage better when you can still have alone time even once you have children!

  5. Aw your hubby is so sweet! I need a date night now! Jealous!!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.