
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

lets talk about sex...

Before Sienna came along
Dan & I didn't really use any protection

we were never a fan of condoms and I stopped taking the pill years ago and refused to go back on it after those traumatizing commercials came out claiming birth defects, strokes, ect. due to taking certain pills. 

No Thank You

so there was one thing that worked for us 
 "the pull out method"

hey it worked for 5 years
Last June we decided "not" to use this method, 
and in July we found out we were pregnant

Never imagined it wold happen that fast, but of course we were over the moon happy even after needing to reschedule our 11.11.11 wedding date

so where am I going with this?

well, apparently I'm fertile myrtle over here and not quite ready for another little one to join our clan, though my ovaries ache every time I look at newborn pictures of Sienna- there are just a few things that need to be in place first.

I know its harder to get pregnant while nursing, 
I pump. Does that count?

I keep thinking our "method" failed and I'm pregnant again (I'M NOT)
but I think I'm a little paranoid about this because of how easy it was with Sienna, I think I would like this next baby to be sorta planned. 

Our thoughts and plans for #2?

well that will need a post all on its own...stay tuned.

For now here is my precious 3 day old little love bug

(shut up ovaries...not time yet)


  1. Have you ever thought about charting to help prevent pregnancy? I have heard great things about that method of birth control.

    1. yeah I have an app on my phone that supposedly is suppose to work, but I'm not sure I trust it. My period is crazy irregular so its hard to keep track

  2. I have a friend that calls it the pull out and pray method hahaha!

  3. I didn't get on with the pill either - it made me put on weight, and I was eating like crazy! We don't use any either so I'm in the same boat as you!

    1. same with me! plus it totally killed my desire

  4. we use the fertility awareness method, its more than just charting on a calendar and once you figure it out its not as complicated as it sounds. I bought a book about it and you can use it to either prevent pregnancy or get pregnant. We used the "pull out" method too worked for us for a really long time!!!

    1. Katie I am very interested in this book you are talking about, what is the title?

    2. oh wow this sounds interesting!

  5. I don't think pumping can prevent pregnancy the same way actually nursing does but I could be wrong. I suggest reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility, it teaches you how to read your body signs to tell if you're ovulating or not which works if you want to get pregnant or avoid pregnancy. I used the book for both.

  6. I'm with you. I have crazy bad baby fever... & so does my hubs! He actually gave me the a okay to 'pull the goalie' at any time! As much as I would love another baby & as much as I want Beckett to have a sibling, it just doesn't feel right yet! Like Beckett's still supposed to be the baby :)
    I got pregnant while on birth control so I'm always think I'm pregnant again too lol
    For whenever you decide the right time is, I'm sure Sienna will be an amazing big sister!

  7. This is so funny, that was our method of choice too and we didn't end up being pregnant until we "stopped". I know it's not a reliable form but that's hilarious that other people have had it work out for them too. Anyway, your baby girl is adorable!

  8. Loved this post!I must agree this was our method. I hated condoms & I have never taken birth control because of the same reasons as you said above. So far though no baby for us however who is to say we wont have a boo boo & here comes a tiny one for us :) I just love little Sienna she is a doll :)

  9. This is too funny!! Although i do use BC. Im on the mini pill and it has always worked for me never a problem with it :) If anything i had advantages from being on it. I used to get blemishes and my BC has cleared me up completely! I love it. Im not a big fan of condoms either but id be scared to death of no protection what so ever haha :) but hey if it works you guys that awesome! :)

  10. Been following u on Instagram but just found d your blog! Yay! And we are in exactly the sane boat. Damn ovaries. :)

  11. Joanna,

    I can't take any form of birth control that has hormones in it (big risk of blood clots due to my migraines). Because of this I had two options, a shot called depo provera, which you were given every three months and paragard, an IUD. I went with the depo first and did that for about 9 months and went off it because I felt like I gained weight (not sure if it was that or the lack of walking due to the fact that I moved out of the city and home to the island). This past may I got paragard put in. It stays in for up to 10 years! I don't have to take it out until I want to have kids and you can immediately start trying. I can't feel it at all and there are no hormones so no weight gain or mood swings etc. The best part is that I only had to pay a $20 copay for something that supposedly takes $600 plus to make. I really recommend it especially if you guys hate condoms (we do too, so it's awesome and theres no risk in not using them).


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.