
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

11 months

Happy 11 months our sweet Sienna!

I cant believe we are 1 month away from the BIG day...Your birthday, our birthday.

I wont sit here and get all sappy about it,  I'll be doing plenty of that in a month but I will say that watching you grow has been one of the best gifts in life, I cherish every single moment

But I have to say, when I took out your monthly stickers and seeing only 1 left made me sad. Your 1st Birthday photoshoot is scheduled and your party is under way...pinch me, I'll have a toddler next month.

What a turn around in your behavior from last month when I was contemplating you being an only child...yeah it was THAT bad. You were a little pest :) you're lucky you're so cute.

you know what you want, when you want it, and how you want it. Its gotta be your way or the highway.....(makes me really look forward to your teen years)

You started to take steps
so so close to full time walking!! we think it will happen by your 1st Birthday
2/11/13 - walked across her whole room (mama caught the last of it on video)

More Big Changes this month:

no more pumping for mama! means more time for us to play!

you finally started to like things other than blueberries,
 scarfing down chicken now! phew I thought you were going to be a fruitatarian

you've added new words to your vocabulary "Charlieeee" its soooooooooo cute! "HIIII" in a high pitched voice, I just about melt every time.

you despise diaper changes, or anything that requires laying down, this drives me bananas!! you cry like youre being tortued and try to hard to get up...this is especially a nightmare during a poopy diaper change.

you're obsessed with watching videos of yourself haha you hand me my phone and say "daj daj" (give me in Polish)

you love your little babydoll and carry it around with you often, yesterday you cried because I didn't let you take it in the bath

tooth #3 has finally showed itself! 
you got your bottom two - 8 months
lateral incisor - 10.5 months

where are those top two teeth lady?
 you look kinda silly with a sharp fang and no other top teeth

You still hate carseats, strollers, shopping carts - being constricted to one spot makes you go CRAZY, which makes our shopping ventures difficult. I hope this stage passes soon.

You're miss independent, you wanna do everything by yourself - If i try to help you open or do something, you push my hand away.

Your Daddy always randomly says to me "goddd I cant believe how gorgeous she is" and you sure are!

I love you SO much!!

cant wait to celebrate the greatest day in one month


  1. What a little cutie! So amazing that she's that close to walking full-time. Our little ones are the exact same age to the day :) How fun. Thanks for stopping by Daisy Cottage Designs. Following along with you now, too.

    1. Ummm... forget that. They're a couple days apart. Oops. Caroline's birthday is the 11th.

  2. She is so beautiful!!!

    And glad to hear I am not the only one with a little girl that is already stuck in her ways (at 5 months!)..haha, she already tries to be miss independent... must be a girl thing :)

    1. haha we're in trouble when they're teenagers!

  3. Your daughter is adorable!!

    (There should be a follow link now - I was basically building my blog this morning) =)

  4. What a cutie! Love her little dimple

  5. Can I ask if you use a baby carrier often? I see her legs are very apart, my daughter has the same problem and her pediatrician said its do to jumpers or baby carriers, she's very pretty I love her eyes. My daughter has trouble walking does yours have that problem too? At first we thought it was do to the shoes we bought for her and we tried many pairs.

    1. hi! we dont use the carrier often at all - but she did use her jumperoo often when she was younger. I think it may have something to do with cloth diapers too theyre super bulky. I'll have to see what her pedi says about walking like that. I thought it was shoes at first too, but I think it i will correct itself

  6. hi! we dont use the carrier often at all - but she did use her jumperoo often when she was younger. I think it may have something to do with cloth diapers too theyre super bulky. I'll have to see what her pedi says about walking like that. I thought it was shoes at first too, but I think it i will correct itself


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.