
Monday, February 18, 2013

30 day shred

When they say 'the last 10lbs are the hardest to loose after having a baby' - THEY'RE NOT KIDDING! In the beginning the weight seemed to fall right off until I had about 15 more to go. Now that I'm no longer pumping, I decided to get on it hardcore! no more feeling self conscious about my belly pooch!

So I decided to try the 30 day shred as it has amazing reviews and Jillian promises to deliver results :) I'm currently on day 9 and shes kicking my butt! 

 I'll be posting progress pics soon!
I also whipped up a little pros & cons list for those of you considering trying it out

---It's only about 25min.
---It's inexpensive ($7 for the video + cost of hand weights).
---It's challenging!

---It gets boring after a while.
---Jillian gets ridiculously annoying at times.


  1. I've been working on my last 10 lbs for a while now, no matter what I do I can't get rid of them. I'm doing P90X now but have this on my list next.

    1. I would def recommend it! I was able to see a difference after 6 days! its tough to do, but if you stick it out its worth it!

  2. I'm doing this too! I love it! , well I was doing it then I got sick so I need to get back at it! But she way less annoying than the p90x dude I can't stand him! Good job mama!

    1. haha I find her pretty annoying too. How is the p90x? my hubs wanted to try it

  3. I've seen a few bloggers do this and show their results and they have all looked awesome after doing this and losing lots of inches... I am definitely going to have to join in too!

    1. I would def recommend it! Its tough but the results show for it fast!

  4. I started this last year and got as far as day 12... I just got bored with the same old sort of thing! But mostly, I think I just couldn't hack it! Now you've made me feel bad and I might have to start it again :P xx

  5. I definitely agree that its boring! but so far I see some results! so im sticking with it, though I'll have to take a break with the business of Siennas party

  6. I just started doing her ripped in 30!! I have a 6.5 month old and I'm sick and tired of this pooch. Even if I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight, it's just not distributed the same and it's driving me crazy!! But I feel like she's already annoying me. At least I know someone else is enduring it for the same goal :) Good luck!!

  7. I'm doing this too. :) I'm on day 16. Ill agree it does get rather boring after awhile and Jillian does get annoying but I'm seeing results so I'm pushing through :) I like to watch this on my iPad through amazon video & then put Netflix on the tv to distract me from the pain and it makes the time pass quickly :)

    Thanks for being my newest follower!!
    Have a wonderful weekend.


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