
Monday, February 25, 2013

Family Vacation 2013....

Dan & I are super giddy about our 1st big trip as a family of three!

Since the 3 of us are celebrating our birthdays next month, this was our gift to eachother :)
With the business of party planning & excitement for Sienna's 1st birthday, we are not even thinking of ours! 

 We spent our 24th birthday in the beautiful Oahu, by far the most amazing place we've ever been to and we're so happy go back with our little munchkin!

because I'm reminiscing,
 here is a little picture flood



Our birthday dinner

                                                                     best and most fresh sushi ever!


I just hope no tsunamis this time :)


  1. Ohhh my goodness jealous doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now haha. I can't wait to see round 2's pictures with little munchkin included ;)
    Oh and can we talk about how gorgeous you two are? Seriously.

  2. You are going to have a blast. We have a Hawaii vacation planned in May! We can't wait. I am a bit nervous about flying with a 2 year old though!

  3. you guys are the cutest family out! Hope you have an amazing time xx

  4. I cannot believe you both have the same birthdays! How cute is that! I love it.. I hope you all 3 have a wonderful time on vaca :)

  5. Hi Joanna! Came across your blog this morning and had to say have SO much fun on your vacay this year! Have you been to Maui? It's gorgeous as well and so much fun. Anyway, adorable blog and your family is just beautiful. I'm your newest follower and hope you'll stop by to follow back!

  6. I can't wait to see all the winderful pictures you take this year


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.