
Friday, June 14, 2013

Spacing babies

For several months now, Sienna has been loving her baby doll. Shes a natural gentle little mama- feeding, kissing, hugging and rocking her baby. She would be an amazing big sister, I can already tell. 

I once read that the best gift you can give your child is siblings. Companions. Life long friends. Shoulders to cry on. Others who know where you've come from and really, truly understand because they've been there too.

With that said, I'm so ready to give Sienna a little brother or a little sister...though some days are rough and make me swear that she's going to be the only child- but deep down of course,  I don't mean it.

Two years apart to me seems like the perfect spacing for siblings, which means we'll have to get busy late Summer/Fall for that to happen, but I'll make peace if it doesn't go exactly that way. If its meant to be it will happen when its suppose to :)

For now I'll just day dream and pin away....


  1. Awww, I feel the same way! 2 years apart sounds great. It took us a few years to get pregnant with Piper though so fingers crossed we get a little luckier the 2nd time around!

    1. Makes me nervous that it will take forever this time! fingers crossed for us both! xoxo

  2. My youngest two are about two years apart, and although it's very hard some days, it is a good gap. Regardless, I agree that giving children siblings is one of the best gifts a parent can give! It's what helps me cope with four kids! lol

    1. so you'd say its definitely a good gap? from what everyone says...2 years is the ideal...though the terrible twos and a newborn scares the bejesus out of me haha

  3. You will live having 2 and seeing them together!! It's the coolest thing to see that interaction. Having 2 the same age is definitely a challenge but a 2 year gap would be good I think! ;)

  4. Two years is my ideal time for my second one to spaced at as well! I'm such a planner like you. My husband keeps asking me when we want our second one, although I'm not sure if he is excited about it or dreading it!

  5. I can never figure out if im ready or if im not, I think I'm going to wait at least till this december, or next year lol! but no sooner. I just don't want them to be far apart and never talk or hang ya know?!

  6. I was just having this conversation with my mom over lunch on Saturday. Which is bizarre because I don’t even have one baby. I’m the oldest of three, my brother came 22 months after me and my sister 19 months after him. I was asking my mom if it was worth the craziness when we were younger in order to have us be close in age. She said yes. She stayed home with us, which was awesome and I think definitely has an influence on her answer to that question. She said it was great that we all pretty much were in the same stages at the same times. No going back to diapers after 4 years of not changing diapers, etc. She said we also liked similar things. We were into the same movies and games because we were so similar in age. Too much time apart and the older kid isn’t into what the “baby” is into. We were all in High School for one year at the same time. When I was a senior, my brother a sophomore and my sister was a freshman. It was awesome and I am biased but I plan on having my kids close together.

  7. My husband and I are trying to decide if we want another child. Aubrey is already 28 months old and she will be over 3 if I get pregnant right now. It's a hard decision to make and I am hoping we can decide if we are going to do it soon. I cannot wait to see Aubrey interact with a sibling!


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