
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Its August/almost FALL

Though it hardly will feel like Fall here in Phoenix - till about early October at least,  I'm super excited to get into my Fall/holiday mode again! With our upcoming trip to Hawaii I'm  hoping August goes by quick. Danny has been getting Sienna excited for the trip telling her we're going to see turtles there....she will be one disappointed kid if we don't!

What have we been up to lately?

Danny has been busy with work and clients, 
though he always makes time for his gals :) 
particularly this little one who has him wrapped around her finger

I have been trying to get my butt in shape, its long overdue and I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself. I have made some serious changes in my lifestyle and I'm sticking to them this time!! Clean eating & working out regularly. As much as I cannot stand Jillian Michaels, I do think shes on to something with this DVD...visible results in just days. I'll post my before and after when I complete it.

Sienna has been on a speech roll lately, I cant even believe the things she says and comprehends sometimes. We got a new rug a couple of days ago and today as I'm walking downstairs with her she points to the rug and says "mama! new rug!"  She repeats just about everything you ask her to and has the memory of an elephant. She'll remember things from months ago and we always find ourselves saying "how does she know that??"


  1. Hopefully you see turtles- we saw a ton of them when we were in Hawaii. Can't wait to see the results of the 30DS. I really need to get going on that DVD too!

  2. Jillian drives me crazy too, but I do love that work out. Can't wait to see your results!

  3. so jealous of your upcoming hawaii trip, the turtles would be super cool to see :)

    now following your blog as well, cant wait to see pictures :)


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.