
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

weekend 6/29-7/1

This weekend was full of friends, those are the best kind :)

We hardly spent any time at home, so Monday was a busy day for me catching up on housework....tomorrow my oldest niece is flying in & staying with us for a week - I'm so excited! I feel like she grew up overnight and I missed it living so far away.

1. got together with friends
2.put together some headband orders a pedi

and that's how our weekend flew by.

Yesterday 1 year ago we found out we were going to be parents :)

Today I was looking up ideas for Sienna's 1st birthday party, yes I know I still have a ton of time for that... but how do I throw a party perfect enough for someone who lights up my world in every way possible? yeah that's a lot of pressure - so let the planning begin. I'll tell you this much....there will be no owls or tutus involved.


  1. Hi Joanna :)

    I've always wondered why no one comments on your posts, so now i have to start with it ;).
    I really like your blog and love how you write.
    The post "Finding out the big news!" is so gorgeous, i almost cried, even if i don't know you at all ^^.

    So i just wanted to say, that i love reading your posts, and that you should get a lot more comments on them.

    (Sorry if my english is not THAT perfect, but i'm from Germany. I tried my best, and hope you understand what im trying to say.)

    Christina ♥

    1. * not "no one", but not as much as you should really get :)

    2. Hi Christina! Your english is great - thank you so much for the comment they always make me happy and they're always welcome :)

  2. Hi, it's me Christine from instagram. I too always LOVE your blogs... but I NEVER log into my blogger, this is my first time logging in since quite a few months ago. I just always click on your link on your instagram to read.

    Sienna is growing so fast may I add, it sorta makes me sad.. hehe!! Everytime I see her pics it really gives me baby fever. :) I can't wait til I have mine.

    Take care, hope you're having a wonderful 4th of July.

  3. Hi lovey!!! I have been a follower since you started but I totally forgot you are my Instagram friend too!!! Ahh!! I just think you have the most beautiful family love, and everyone always looks like they are in great spirits!! :) Hope you're having a great week!!!! :)


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.