
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I love you hubster

In honor of our ONE year wedding anniversary next month,
here is a little trip down memory lane

This post is dedicated to my sweet hubby
and all the wonderful memories we've made together

I often look back at all the pictures from our travels & cant help by smile
we really had the time of our lives 

Its amazing how you can find your lover
 & best friend in one

Here are SOME of my favorite moments 
if I were to list them all, this blog post would be 10 miles long

Nothing beats our tingle filled beginnings, 
this was our 2nd date - Jan 2006

 Traveling all of Italy with you      

Our 1st Birthday together...cake at midnight
Our road trip across the country,
stopping along the way for photos with the state signs 
& laughing at all the "waffle houses" we saw

 I think I need a separate blog post just to talk about Hawaii, 
I have fun videos of us evacuating for the tsunami


       I loved that you got to meet my Grandma in Poland,
 before she passed

our first trip as a couple - Aug 2006
which ironically was to Arizona

The spot you took me to have lunch the day after I told you I was pregnant :)

getting to cross this off my bucket list 

How sweet were you to drive me to school every morning
 & bring me hot chocolate 

all of our silly moments, inside jokes and crazy nicknames

I can go on and on,
but I'll end with these two chart toppers

I love you babe!
cant wait to for all the new memories to come


  1. I just about cried! Beautiful moments!

  2. That's a lovely post. In all the hustle and bustle of being new parents it's do inspiring to see that you still make time for each other.

  3. SO BEAUTIFUL!! I love, love and I love hubbys!! So happy you've got a good one :) x

  4. I'm so happy for you and Danny you two are a perfect example of a happy couple. I love you guys

  5. I think you need a separate blog post for your Italy, cross-country, and Hawaii trips. LIke immediately. I want to know all the details of all three trips.

  6. Awe! You guys are perfect for each other!!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary :) Looks like a wonderful life!

  8. It's inspiring to see how much you actively celebrate and love one another in the craziness of now being parents. You should post sometime things you two do together to keep your marriage growing and strong!

  9. This is so cute! Love that you guys love to travel! and your baby girl is adorbs!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.