
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mama is not ready

My baby big girl has outgrown her bassinet

well truth be told she outgrew it a while ago but I've been putting off doing something about it. This mama is not ready to face the fact that her itty bitty baby is...well, not so itty bitty anymore.

The thought of her going in her crib in her OWN room was something I was certainly not ready for just yet...and at this rate I probably wont be for a long time.

so what did we do?

 hubby was very much against this but mama got her she usually does ;)

We swapped the couch in our bedroom with her crib, so now her room will probably be more of a playroom. Luckily the transition didn't even phase her, she slept like she usually does...and by that I mean, wakes up 2-3 times a night...bah!

I have a feeling she will be in our room until....
1. Shes old enough for a toddler bed
2. Baby number 2 comes along

we'll see

The crib move was a whole fiasco, both the couch and crib didn't fit through the door ways, so the doors had to be taken off along with the legs of the couch, and crib had to be taken apart completely...hubby was not thrilled.


  1. your silly! but dont worry we did the same thing! her crib is in our room :) i love it this way! they will never be this little ever again! its what i always say!

  2. I cannot even imagine being at the point when your infant baby girl is ready to be in her own room. So funny all the hassle you went through to prevent that from happening!

  3. hello! I just found your blog.. ADORABLE! ..and your little girl is absolutely precious! Looking forward to being a frequent visitor! :)

  4. Girl, you have such a cute blog! This post made me laugh. :) I wish we could even fit a bassinet in our room! When little man gets here next month he'll be immediately in a crib in his own room. Lucky for me his door is about 7 feet down from ours and there is a couch in his I'll probably just sit there and stare at him most nights. Lol!

    1. Thank you dear :) haha you will most definitely spend a lot of time staring at him - its what us silly mammas do!

  5. this makes me so excited to be a mom someday and you make one gorgeous mom! and your sweet daughter is beautiful!

  6. Nominated you for a Liebster Award! Details are on my blog.


  7. hahaha we did the same thing! When Cruz outgrew his bassinet (which was early because he was such a big baby) we hauled his crib into our room.. I just couldn't stand the thought of being far away from him! So I completely understand this post :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I've been reading yours this morning! Such a beautifully sweet family!! xoxo

  8. Wow, I think I've been following you since you were around 8 months pregnant and she has grown so much. She's really beautiful :) Was wondering what camera you use? And also, I'm expecting a little girl also, any tips? Oh and what are you doing with her outgrown clothes? :)

    1. Thank you so much! Our camera isnt really a fancy one, its actually a basic SRL nikon D40. Congrats on your girl! when is she due? I have a surplus of clothes that I sell on my Instagram account ( a lot of mammas i know do that) some I give away and some I keep.

    2. I absolutely love for hair bows and headbands! Although Joanna, you make some gorgeous headbands as well!!!

    3. I absolutely love for hair bows and headbands! Although Joanna, you make some gorgeous headbands as well!!!


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