
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give Thanks

i am most thankful for the people in my life...

Sienna, I am so thankful for you
you made me a mama, giving me a title I have always wanted

I am grateful to have a husband who is patient, quick to forgive, always willing to serve everyone around him. I am especially grateful for his love and for being my partner on this roller-coaster parenting journey.

I'm grateful for all the wonderful people I have "met" through this blog & instagram. Crazy world, right? but so many of you have really touched me, inspired me and helped get through rough times with your & gifts. I am grateful for you.

I am thankful for my mama, even though hundreds of miles separate us - she's always just a phone call away

Happy Thanksgiving


  1. Happy Thanksgiving sweetheart! Have a wonderful day :) it's one holiday I wish we Brits celebrated!

  2. What a great photo. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Joanna and family!!! Although i'm in college and I have no kids, nor married, you make me excited to become a wife and momma someday! You are the most perfect person I know and look up to! Happy holidays! :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! :) Great picture!

  5. So much to be thankful for!! :) Beautiful photo of you and your little girl. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy a nice, relaxing weekend!

  6. I love following you on instagram and here your family is just the cutest!

  7. This is so sweet, thanks for finding my blog so I could find yours <3


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.