
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Just call me Martha...

Growing up, I never had to help with Thanksgiving - we would always go to Danny's Aunts big family feast and all I had to contribute was an empty stomach

Now that we are on our own,
 we are hosting & doing ALL the cooking for the first time!

Fingers crossed that we don't end up ordering Chinese

Danny is in charge of the turkey- I got the rest!

Here are a couple of things I'm making...

Pumpkin roll

apple pie

braised red cabbage & apples

a twist on the traditional string bean casserole

It will also be Sienna's first time trying Turkey!
 I hope we don't disappoint :)


  1. I'm sure everything will turn out great!

    Good luck.:)

  2. That pumpkin roll looks A. Mazing! Do you have a recipe that you'd like to share with me??? :D

  3. I got stuck on pumpkin roll. that looks amazing!!


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.