
Thursday, November 15, 2012

sometimes its good to be a hoarder

When I was little I used to dress my baby dolls in my old baby clothes that my mom kept in the attic, most of my things she gave away and whatever was saved I had for my dolls

When I went back to my childhood home in Poland a few years ago, I brought back with me a few of my baby toys & clothes not knowing one day Id have a real life doll of my own to dress in these things

I guess you can say I'm a little bit of a hoarder, I hold on to everything....little things that wouldn't mean much to anyone else mean the world to me.

I cant wait to recreate this exact photo when Sienna is a little older, I have to get her little red leather salt water sandals just like mine!


  1. Cute! She looks so much like you!

  2. Super cute! I love the look on your face in that photo!

  3. How wonderful that you were able to save some things and can do these fun comparison photos with your little girl!! :) How cute!

  4. Dont worry I'm a hoarder organized hoarder. Everything is in color organized totes in the attic. You never know when you're going to need something :) well at least thats what I say.

  5. Your daughter is unbelievably cute. :)
    Looking through your post, you have the life i dream of having. :) You're a lucky lady.

    Your latest follower, Lauren x


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.