
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Glued to Mama

Lately Sienna has been a little mean to Daddy, 

If he tries to take her while I'm holding her, she holds onto me super tight and fusses not wanting to go

 If shes with Danny and I'm not around shes fine but once I come into the room she sticks out her arms and cries for me to pick her up

I hope this is just a phase, cuz I feel a little bad for Daddy

anyones little one ever do this?

mamas girl ♥


  1. Beautiful Photo, and I definitely think is a phase. It has happened in our house!


    1. Thanks love, Im glad other babies do this too - I was getting a little worried

  2. This is happening to ME right now! Except JJ is the one who stays home with her and she is rejecting me. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around? It's hurting this mama's feelings. :(

    1. :( it hurts my hubs feelings too...hopefully they will grow out of it quickly

  3. Aubrey did this really back back in September at 19 months old. I felt so bad about it but she quickly outgrew it. At times, she still prefers me but now she sometimes only wants daddy. I am sure it's just a phase.

  4. Sorry no advice but I secretly hope my little girl does that with me someday. Hehe! Is that bad?! That picture is beautiful of you two :)

  5. I know what you mean, my little girl is the exact same. If I leave and come back in the room she will shove daddy away and try and get to me lol. I think they call it the Stranger stage where they just want to be with you at the moment even if she does it to daddy. It will change and is for sure just a stage. I am one of your new followers and I love this picture of you two, so cute


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