
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sienna's 1st birthday plans

in THREE months I will have a ONE YEAR OLD. craziness I tell ya.

Birthday party planning has begun!
yes I know its early, but the extra time is necessary to make this come together as planned as we are hand making most of the decor, invites, ect.

Now lets talk about the theme, I almost went with owls & tutus but quickly came to realize how played out that was and I knew I'd end up not loving it...One day I was watching old videos of Sienna (something I often do) and I came across one of my Mother-in-law singing Sienna "you are my sunshine" and telling her how she used to sing it to her daddy all the time when he was a baby....I let out a big  "aww" in my head and right there it I knew that it was the perfect idea!

Since March will be the beginning of spring, I'm envisioning lots and lots of yellow flowers everywhere....lots of yellow & gray all over actually & a vintage twist on it.
I hope I can pull this together as well as I have in my head
I've already made a couple of purchases :)

How adorable is that dress?!

ah I cant wait.


  1. Oh my word. This is too cute. That dress! I die. Love it all. Sounds like it will be a blast. Great theme!

    1. Thank you! I want that dress in my size too haha

  2. Great theme! Can't wait to see it come together.

  3. I love it! Sienna is such a sunshine happy gal that it’s the perfect fit for her little persona. She looked so cute wearing yellow in your family pictures so I’m sure a yellow dress will photograph beautifully.

    Gracie’s 1st birthday is March 7th and my wife thought I was crazy when I made my first party purchase while on vacation in October. I call it being organized. Hehe ;)

  4. Great idea! I know a few people who did owls for their daughters b'days and it was wayyyyyy overdone... This is much cuter! Love that sign with the bunting!

  5. Such a sweet decor idea! I can't wait to see how everything turns out! :)

  6. So beautiful!!!! What a wonderful idea!! Our daughters share the same birthday :) i was thinking of yellow too but lots of Chevron still not sure! But like you said only 3 months!! AHHHH

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