
Monday, April 22, 2013

Life lately, all sorts of updates

You know its been crazy busy around here when I haven't had a chance to sit down at the computer for more than 5 minutes hence the lack of blogging lately, buts its Siennas nap time so here is a little brain scatter update of what's been going with us.

*The weather lately has been amazing, 
we spent the last few weekends outside....playdate, park and pool galore

* Poor Miss S had the stomach flu recently. We panicked as it was the first time ever she wasn't feeling well. To make matters worse....hubs got it, then two days I did. 
Luckily we didn't all get it at the same time - that would have been a nightmare.

It was so hard to see her this way knowing there was nothing I could do but let the virus run its course

*Hubs got a new job! so proud of him - it took balls to leave a comfortable job & take a risk at a new position but its an awesome company to be a part of - just different hours now that will take some getting used to for us both. This is how he spent his last day at the old job...haha 

*we finally moved Sienna's crib out of our room and shes been sleeping better...and so are we! no more co-sleeping either.

*Is it possible for terrible twos to happen at 13 months? cuz I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a little preview. Yesterday she laid down on the floor in the middle of Trader Joes...screaming cuz I wouldn't let her hold a tub of yogurt...I hate giving into her little terrors but sometimes I do just for the sake of my sanity.

*We are on the market for an SUV, we both have which is on its last hair. Anyone LOVE their SUV? what do you drive? 

*We have a family photoshoot in 2 weeks and I've decided to sass up my look a bit and dye my hair for the FIRST time in my 26 years of life...nothing drastic, need Sienna to still recognize me ha but maybe a tad lighter brown and a new cut. Pintrest has been my BFF in getting ideas. I'm thinking its either the worst or best idea ever to get a new cut & color the day of a photoshoot...we'll see. 


  1. I love my Ford Edge! Good luck with pictures:)

  2. Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun outside. The stomach flu is no joke. All three of us had it earlier this year and it was terrible. Have fun SUV shopping. We bought a new Chevy Equinox last August and I love it!

    1. I have to check out this Chevy! so many people are loving it! thank you!

  3. I just wrote a whole comment and it deleted itself :'(
    I can't wait to see your hair! (Babies recognise Mum by smell of breastmilk and voice, then facial features. You could go Paris Hilton blonde and she'd barely notice a difference, although she might think WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!) Haha!

    I still can't believe she only got her first illness at over a year old. Healthy babygirl! Think of the good that did her immune system, even if it was horrible to feel so helpless.

    Love you guys :) love the photos x

    1. haha well sometimes when my hair is a crazy mess she looks at me funny as if shes questioning if its really me. we love you tooooooo! ;)

  4. I cannot wait to see your hair! I am in desperate need of doing something fun/different with mine and I never thought to look at Pinterest for ides! Thanks!!

    I drive a Saturn VUE- it looks VERY similar to the Chevy Equinox and I really like it. Good luck with the car shopping!

    1. I'm nervous and excited for my hair! but i need a little change for the summer. Thank you! this car shopping deal is sorta stressful when I thought id be fun

  5. The twins are 16 months and VERY much into throwing tantrums....especially when we are at the park and they don't want to leave...ugh. Also, when I was preggo we got the new Yukon and love it!

    1. ugh those tantrums are a killer, she throws herself back and screams bloody murder...awful!! do you just ignore it? I have no idea how to handle that

  6. Looks like life has been a bit busy for you all... Hope he comes to love his new job & sweet S I cannot imagine that little sweetie throwing a tantrum... Glad you all are feeling better :)

  7. My husband just recently bought me a Mazda CX-5. Typically I am not a huge fan of Mazdas but I sure do love it! It has great gas mileage and is quite roomy. If you want a little more space I'd go with the CX-9 it's a bit bigger and just as beautiful. Good luck :)

    1. that has been our top pick! do you love it? we really like how it looks and that its a 4 cylinder & great on gas!

  8. Replies
    1. They look so good! it was def on our list to take a look at :) thank you!

  9. Chevy Equinox! LOVE IT!

    1. ah yeah I hear its amazing! will have to check it out - thank you!

  10. I absolutely love the Mazda CX-5. I think they're amazing. We've been looking at getting one but are still deciding as well. I say yes to changing your hair up. Think of it this way, if you don't like it you can always dye it back :)


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