
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Travel Plans 2013

I sure hope Sienna likes to travel as much as her mom & dad because we have a busy few months ahead of us, well what I really should say is I hope she BEHAVES on these travels. We really could use some quality family time and more than anything, my hubs deserves a vacation.

Here are some of our upcoming trips!

This will be a little practice run for when we have to travel by plane with Miss fidgety....perk of a road trip - ability to pull over for a break whenever needed. We're going to be in the San Diego area visiting friends & stopping in Carlsbad on the way to see the flower field & to take some Mothers Day photos! miles & miles of flowers....yes please.

 New York 
Last time we went back Sienna was only 5 months old! so excited for her to run around our childhood homes & be able to eat our moms cooking!
NY 2012

I don't think there is a day that passes that we don't talk about this place, once you've'll know what I mean.


Now PLEASE give me your best traveling with a toddler tips!
Any specific things to bring on the plane besides massive amounts of snacks?


  1. I am so jealous! Hawaii and Cali are two places we want to visit but it's super expensive from here :( one day! Arizona is on the cards too ;) x

    1. well California is just a road trip away from Arizona ;) so you best come here first and see us!!

  2. Sounds like so much fun! We just flew for a second time with our toddler last week and the following items were very helpful. A few (new) books she had never read, thus was not bored with. Our iPad with her favorite interactive games downloaded. A new small toy she had yet to play with. Magazines because my gal LOVES paper to both look at (and try to eat) and of course the iPhone. She’s obsessed with pictures and video of herself, lol. Good luck! I’m sure Sienna will do great. :)

    1. haha so funny, Sienna loves videos of herself too. I'm just nervous to annoy people on the plane...I'll hate getting the dirty looks...but those are good tips! thank you!

  3. I am just incredibly jealous of your vacations planned! I hope Sienna does well!

  4. Snacks & outfit changes! We ended up traveling 18 hours home from Turks & Caicos because of delays and B went through 4 outfits! I was so thankful I 'overpacked' out carryon!

    1. ah outfit changes is a good one! 18 hours?? omg!

  5. Ps. Super jealous! You guys are going to have a blast on those vaycays!

  6. Books, Ipad with games and favorite shows/movies dowloaded, snacks (fruit, puffs, yogurt), favorite toy.

    1. thank you! crazy amount of snacks will hopefully do the trick

  7. You are coming to my neck of the woods! You will have a blast in San Diego and we've had awesome weather lately. As for plane rides, we've done it twice now and definitely lots of food, sippy cups, medicine (we didn't have it handy for one plane ride and both girls had double ear infections so the pressure was horrible! We were those parents with the screaming kids!), toys (I bought new ones and gave it to them on the plane), books, and anything else that entertains her :) She will do great!

  8. We bought Aubrey some Kidz Gear headphones for when we go to Hawaii next month so hopefully she will use those so she won't bug other passengers. We are planning on brand new toys, mess free art supplies, snacks and the ipad.

  9. iPad, snacks, favorite music, toys, medicine for my daughter also got a horrible ear Infection. How funny we traveled from Hawaii to California, we live in Honolulu did just to warn u there's rumors were in the eye of Korea attacking be safe


Your sweet words always make my day! :) Thank you.