
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

what would you do if...

Your child's picture went viral all over the internet?
creeped out? flattered? mad? baffled?

because I was all of those things.

About a month or two ago someone brought to my attention that Sienna's picture was popping up on their fb from on of those dumb "like" facebook pages. It was titled
 "like this if you think she's cute"  two hours later she had 96K likes...

Mind boggling.

I spent that evening reading each one of those comments and to some relief none were creepy or alarming. I thought about watermarking my photos but 1. its time consuming to do every picture you post 2. its easily removable in photoshop, so if someone really wanted a picture they would have no problem taking out the watermark. So what did I do? for a second I had the urge to delete my social media pages but then I would make no difference at this point, my pages are private except the blog and I'm not quite sure where the photo was taken from and I just figured it was that one page and they would move onto another picture ending the hype.

well I figured wrong

It wasn't just that one page, 
it was hundreds of pages.

Everyday since then I have someone letting me know they saw her picture somewhere... pintrest, twitter, instagram pages, more facebook 'like' pages, you name it. 




  1. Wow, that is crazy! It's the one thing that scares me out about sharing photos on the internet. I have read about girls who had their photos taken from facebook accounts and put on porn sites. I watermark my photos because of it, but didn't even realize until reading your post that watermarks could be taken off using photoshop.

  2. A lot of people don't even know how to use Photoshop so I honestly feel like you shouldn't have a problem with people removing your watermarks if you decided to put them. Also, if they actually went and did remove the watermarks then that would be very creepy of them. I definitely think the extra little effort to put watermarks is definitely worth it for your precious daughter.

  3. I'm really not sure how I would feel. I mean I guess you know that you have a cute kid, right? Just maybe didn't want the whole world to think the same thing.

  4. I remember you posting this on IG and it made me think twice about posting so many pictures of my little one... I'm still not sure how I would feel but I guess that's what happens when you have a beautiful baby!

  5. Well first off, she is cute! haha but this is nuts! This scares me about all of our pictures!

  6. Hey, maybe if you share a copy on Pinterest now linked to your blog watermarked with your blog, they'll share that one. Thats what I did - got all the copyrighted ones deleted, (finally theres only one left on google search!) and shared my own watermarked blog-linked one, and it caught on :)

  7. WOW!!! So, she is definitely adorable but still, this is just sooooo creepy and a little scary. I definitely watermark all my photos in hopes that somebody does not steal the photos.

  8. I would be freaked out! I've heard that some of those Facebook pages or posts that try to get you to "like" their pictures can actually be a type of spyware or malware.

  9. Wow. Just wow. Now whenever I see a picture I'm going to wonder if it was stolen by some stranger! I don't watermark mine and I'm happy to share anything I've posted with family and friends (hello SOCIAL media) but strangers? Going viral? No. Scary!!

  10. So scary. I don't know what to do with mine. I've thought about shutting down my blog for this reason alone. I don't know what to do!

  11. Aren't you afraid? I mean you give us all the details I would I never put places I frecuently visit we all know you live in chandler Arizona you're traveling to San Diego New York and Hawaii aren't you scared someone Weill kidnapp your daughter? I mean she's beautiful and with all these maniacs out there I myself would be concern atleast limit the info on places you go

    1. I mean I dont see how someone would find is in all of hawaii to kidnap her, I didnt put specific dates

  12. I think I just get paranoid with everything that happens everyday in this world I'm extremely overprotective and so careful about posting my personal information

  13. I think it's only creepy if you find someone with awful intentions, using your baby's photo. It seems like most of these posts are just people posting/liking cute babies -- innocent enough :) Then again, it's not my baby showing up all over the internet... I maaaaaay freak out if it happened to me, haha :)

  14. I don't know that creepy would be a word I would use for this but I do think that if they have enough time to check out people they need to get a life of their own. I think everyone should be more alert of how someone might feel if the tables was turned & someone did that to their child. Some do not mind but some do so I think it truly depends on the person! At least those whom liked & commented on the photo was not rude, mean, or disrespectful & in the end I think that alone is a blessing! Sienna is a pretty girl & you too sweet mamma are just as gorgeous!

  15. omg... this freaks me out... ahhh! weirdos!!!! admiring it is one thing but the things people do just for likes.... ugh!


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