Wednesday, October 24, 2012

you know you're a mom when...

you have no idea what day of the week it is,
let alone the number associated with this day

you spend your days with someone who has cooler clothes than you 

you talk about poop, a lot

you find yourself scrubbing toilets, showering & doing laundry at 10pm

your purse is full of toys

you've crawled under the bed at 2AM searching for a pacifier like your life depended on it

you look at their pictures when they're asleep

you never pee alone

yep, I wheel her high chair into the bathroom


  1. I just laughed out loud! This is so true... & you never, ever, pee alone :)

  2. beautiful :) And I totally agree with the cool wardrobe! I envy my daughter's closet sometimes!

    1. hah me too! she has cuter shoes than me too!

  3. I totally relate to all of these, especially searching for the pacifier at 2am but for me it was 5am this morning. I always try to keep at least one extra on his nightstand.

  4. Oh this is hilarious - and her little face in the photos is too cute!
    I can't wait for all these things. Apart from the not peeing alone. That, I can wait for :P

  5. Haha yes! I've been known to lug the highchair to the bathroom too!

  6. so true!! She is the cutest, lve those big blue eyes!!!

  7. Bahaha! This is so funny! I am constantly checking my phone to remember the day :P

    Love the bath towel pic... adorable :)

  8. I'm totally with you with the pacifier too. It's like every night I have to search for it. I've learned to keep a second one for back up. Even though she doesn't suck on one for long it helps her go back to sleep.

  9. I'm totally with you with the pacifier too. It's like every night I have to search for it. I've learned to keep a second one for back up. Even though she doesn't suck on one for long it helps her go back to sleep.

  10. Is it wrong that I am not a mom and still talk about poop a lot? Hehe! Love this list, it made me lol!

  11. Replies
    1. I was very encouraged to find this site. I wanted to thank you for this special read. I definitely savored every little bit of it and I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff you post.



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