I think one of my favorite compliments would have to be " I love your blog" though its been hard to find time lately, I really enjoy sharing my family's memories here and knowing this little corner of the world is all mine
Ever since I got pregnant I wanted to savior every moment, every one of her kicks in my belly, each and every one of her milestones, and hold on to every detail of her growing up.
When she turns ONE I will have this blog printed into a book to put into her memory box.
My urge to do this stems from my own childhood.
Though it was a good one - the only memories I have growing up are in my head and the vague stories my mom & siblings had told me...I have maybe 3 photos from when I was little and I'm upset even thinking about it... I wanted to make sure Sienna never ever feels this way, well she may actually feel like her mama was crazy when she looks back at the insane amount of photos she has.
I take pictures every where we go....
because she will never be this little again and everything we do together is my favorite memory
I hope one day when she reads this,
shes able to feel the joy in my words as I wrote them.