Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

After this Thanksgiving, Hubby & I said to eachother that we're not cooking again for the next 3 months. We had leftovers for 2 days, sushi on the 3rd day and back to cooking it was

that was only wishful thinking.

This is the only Turkey I know how to make

Lucikly, I married a man who LOVES to cook ( just not the entire day)

with our dinner guests

all in all, our first time ever hosting Thanksgiving turned out well :)

hope you all had a good one!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

mesmerized by chocolate

Sienna is obsessed with the Ferrero Rocher commercial, 
don't typically let her watch tv but if she's playing and hears it....

that's it! it stops her in her track and she hardly even blinks... 

I happen to catch it on video totally unintentionally.

Also, did you catch her response to me asking her if its nap time?
such a little stinker


ps- I totally hate hearing myself on video

Blogging for the future

I think one of my favorite compliments would have to be " I love your blog" though its been hard to find time lately, I really enjoy sharing my family's memories here and knowing this little corner of the world is all mine

Ever since I got pregnant I wanted to savior every moment, every one of her kicks in my belly, each and every one of her milestones, and hold on to every detail of her growing up.

When she turns ONE I will have this blog printed into a book to put into her memory box.

My urge to do this stems from my own childhood.
Though it was a good one - the only memories I have growing up are in my head and the vague stories my mom & siblings had told me...I have maybe 3 photos from when I was little and I'm upset even thinking about it... I wanted to make sure Sienna never ever feels this way, well she may actually feel like her mama was crazy when she looks back at the insane amount of photos she has.

I take pictures every where we go....
because she will never be this little again and everything we do together is my favorite memory

I hope one day when she reads this, 
shes able to feel the joy in my words as I wrote them.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Give Thanks

i am most thankful for the people in my life...

Sienna, I am so thankful for you
you made me a mama, giving me a title I have always wanted

I am grateful to have a husband who is patient, quick to forgive, always willing to serve everyone around him. I am especially grateful for his love and for being my partner on this roller-coaster parenting journey.

I'm grateful for all the wonderful people I have "met" through this blog & instagram. Crazy world, right? but so many of you have really touched me, inspired me and helped get through rough times with your & gifts. I am grateful for you.

I am thankful for my mama, even though hundreds of miles separate us - she's always just a phone call away

Happy Thanksgiving

Just call me Martha...

Growing up, I never had to help with Thanksgiving - we would always go to Danny's Aunts big family feast and all I had to contribute was an empty stomach

Now that we are on our own,
 we are hosting & doing ALL the cooking for the first time!

Fingers crossed that we don't end up ordering Chinese

Danny is in charge of the turkey- I got the rest!

Here are a couple of things I'm making...

Pumpkin roll

apple pie

braised red cabbage & apples

a twist on the traditional string bean casserole

It will also be Sienna's first time trying Turkey!
 I hope we don't disappoint :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

sometimes its good to be a hoarder

When I was little I used to dress my baby dolls in my old baby clothes that my mom kept in the attic, most of my things she gave away and whatever was saved I had for my dolls

When I went back to my childhood home in Poland a few years ago, I brought back with me a few of my baby toys & clothes not knowing one day Id have a real life doll of my own to dress in these things

I guess you can say I'm a little bit of a hoarder, I hold on to everything....little things that wouldn't mean much to anyone else mean the world to me.

I cant wait to recreate this exact photo when Sienna is a little older, I have to get her little red leather salt water sandals just like mine!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

8 month mini bio

I wish I had done these every month,
 I may still go back and do them :)

8 months


how is it that you're 8 months old already? wasn't I just writing your birth story what seems like yesterday? crazy I tell ya.  You are such a busy body these days! and just when I think you have mastered something you completely astound your Daddy and I with something new you haven't done before.

Your new thing this month is pointing - I just wanna kiss that little finger all day all long! thank goodness you think its funny when I do. We ask you where Mama, Dada or Charlie is and you point to us.  SO SMART! You also started saying "mama" this past Sunday, this makes me so happy :)

Your list of words: Dada, Cha (Charlie), Mama, papa (bye bye in Polish) you also wave bye bye and point
pretty  impressive list for such a little babe!

No real "crawling "yet but it looks like it could be anyday...for now you scoot that little tushie wherever you want to go, you love to stand and can pull yourself up. You also love to "dance" I have to catch it on video one of these days, when any of your toys play music you rock back and forth..its so funny.

your favorite toys are not toys but random things you get a hold of....remote, tupperware , paper and all time favorite... do love your little books though, especially the ones with the animals that have have the fur that you try to rip out.

You are super long and super thin: don't ask me where you got that from...certainly not from me
28.5" long (90th percentile) and only 14lbs ( at 7 months) you need to be a better eater girlfriend.

Things you eat: I try to make you your food as much as I can but I am not able to do it for all...I make you gluten free baby pancakes, soft boiled organic pasture eggs ( just the yolk), fruit & veggie purees with coconut oil, we introduced liver this month....I know it sounds kinda gross, but its soo very good for you and you LOVED it.

Your sleeping habits at night are the worst - I feel like I need to seek some professional help sometimes from a doctor or I don't know...a baby whisperer ? just kidding...but my goodness child, why wont you stay asleep for more than 3 hours?? and what do you have against your crib?

I know we may be a little bias but we think you are the most gorgeous, happiest and smartest baby we have ever known :) 

Disclaimer: without a doubt this was the most difficult "monthly photoshoot" on the planet, you don't sit still...I was so desperate I put you in a laundry to keep you contained.


Thanks for keeping us on our toes & reminding us everyday how blessed & lucky we are!

Sunday, November 11, 2012



Sienna woke up around 7AM and we just laid in bed snuggling while Daddy still slept, I asked her where daddy was and she pointed at Dan.

 Then I asked her "where is mama?" and she pointed at me! I responded with "yes baby I'm your mama"

and she looks at me...smiles...and says  "mama"

my heart is still melting

I quickly grabbed my phone off my night stand to try and recapture this precious moment, hoping she'd do it again 

before she was able to say it...she pointed

(excuse my horrible laugh, I was trying not to be too loud)

I love you sweet Sienna,
Thank you for giving me a title that I've always wanted

Friday, November 9, 2012

Where is Daddy

Sienna did the cutest thing today, 
I asked her where Daddy was and she pointed to him!

luckily I grabbed my phone in time to catch it 


and yes, I'm asking her in Polish
Danny speaks to her in English & I speak to her in Polish

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

You+Me = She

Little Daniel
Little Joanna


Little Miss Sienna

I know my baby picture isnt the greatest, but its the only one I have unfortunately

Who do you guys think she looks like?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween part 2

practicing her spooky face

with her neighbor friends Sophie & Ellie


oreo spiders