we said we would do it slowly and not all at once to take it easy on our bank account, but who are we kidding? the itch to make the house 'homey' asap has made me as patient as 4 year old.
I have this urge to paint & put all wood flooring throughout the house, but since the carpets are brand new it would be a shame to rip them off right now...same goes for the paint - a painter would charge us A LOT because of the vaulted ceiling, and the paint is only a couple of months old.
We had a blind lady come over to do an estimate, not blind vision wise but blinds as in window treatments.
We really like the wooden country shutters, but holy crap are they pricey....just for the main living room window it came out to almost $700...insane.

So we decided to do wooden blinds, since we will be painting eventually and changing the floor we thought white was the best option. This 'blind' lady was awesome, she gave me so many neat tips for decorating.
after much debate we are putting our TV above the fireplace and getting a mount that pulls out, tilts and moves left and right - didn't know such a thing existed- very pricey job but I think its gonna look awesome.
Geek squad person is coming out to make sure he can hide the cables and all that jazz.
Our yard is going to be a huge project - we listed the rocks that are there now for someone to take them - free of course. Ideally we would like to get started on the grass this weekend, before the temps get too hot for it to take, dont wanna wait till fall...again, I have the patience of a 4 year old.
I want my yard to I can get these already...

yes, there are chilly nights in AZ.

this thing reclines completely
naps outside sound wonderful