Thursday, May 14, 2015


Sometimes life can get a little crazy having to share my time with two little girls,
Sienna has done really well always accepting and loving Emilia.. 
but there are times where I know she acts out just for attention...Emilia is a 10 minute napper so its been so hard giving Sienna one on one time without the baby always in my arms. I'm slowly finding myself getting back into the groove of this mom thing and finding a good balance...I felt like I got to a point where I was always scolding her for her sassiness. The words.. "you need to listen" were constantly coming out of my mouth.  Lately she's been asking her Daddy not to go to work in the morning which has been killing us! luckily his job is super flexible and tomorrow he's working from home to spend more time with his gals! :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

a little California adventure

We just got back from a little holiday in California with Dan's parents, I used to think traveling with one kid was challenging and boy can I laugh at that now.
The amount of gear we had to remember bring was absurd and probably impossible to shlep had we not driven

The main purpose of the trip was to go to our dear friends wedding, which may I add was on a vineyard and absolutely beautiful. 

video recap:

Emilia's First time at the beach....
she was unimpressed and terrified of the sound

Sienna on the other hand, had a great time building sand castles with Daddy & Grandpa


I love this age...

Sienna at THREE.

 because of her strong heart and driven spirit.  because of the things she says out of the blue that always make us pause and smile.  because her memory is a steel trap...she will bring up things from when she was barely a year and half, proving to us that travel is important even when they are itty bitty.  because she calls dessert "bizzert"  because she giggles when she is getting cozy and how out of all colors...she loves red...because she could care less about girly pink princess things...she rather play with a toy mustang.  because she's the sweetest combination of fearless and shy.  how she carries herself through life at such young age inspires me.  because she never forgets a thank you and excuse me. because she is always eager to help and  cheer you up when you're upset.  because she'd rather paint than watch tv. . because she always asks everyone their favorite color, animal, ect and remembers months later what they said they liked.