Just a couple of weeks after Dan & I moved into our home I got pregnant
(I suppose we were celebrating home ownership extensively...bahaha sorry TMI)
Well anyway, with early pregnancy fatigue and baby on the brain, I never really got the chance to sass up my livingroom and there is not much to it besides a couch, coffee table, lamp and now...well now it looks like Toys R Us threw up all over it.
I love decorating and all that fun stuff, but it requires a lot of time that we don't have & and many trips to HomeGoods....which is a dangerous place for my wallet & my husbands sanity.
I'm the kind of person who will take 45 minutes deciding what color dish rags to get while the Mr rolls his eyes and says "just pick one so we can get out of here" so clearly we need a little help in this department....and that's when Danny had an interior designer to come over.
I told her I wanted the colors to be gray & yellow with some chevron accents...going for a contemporary look with a tad of vintage...open & clean look...and she gave us just that.

Ah the entryway/foyer area
I cant wait to get started on it
I'm the kind of person who will take 45 minutes deciding what color dish rags to get while the Mr rolls his eyes and says "just pick one so we can get out of here" so clearly we need a little help in this department....and that's when Danny had an interior designer to come over.
I told her I wanted the colors to be gray & yellow with some chevron accents...going for a contemporary look with a tad of vintage...open & clean look...and she gave us just that.

Our livingroom is very hard to work with because of its long rectangular shape and many...maybe too many windows leaving us with little options as far as placement of things so getting a professionals input was great
best part - she told us exactly where to get everything she picked out
Ah the entryway/foyer area
I cant wait to get started on it
I am in LOVE with everything she came up with...though for practical reasons some things will have to be modified
Let the fun begin